We often ask you what your passion is, tell you to follow your
passions, but what does this mean? Exploring passions is more than
finding out what you are interested in, but more about the Why?

It’s okay not to have an answer, but don’t be afraid to explore.

Passion is who you are.
The goal is to make everything you do, at home and at school
something that you are excited to do by asking yourself: What do you love and why?
What would you do for free and how can you recreate that or those
So, what am I passionate about, and what might that mean for me?
So, what am I passionate about, and what might that mean for me?

"The Most Intense, Nearly Impossible Adventure
Race on the Planet"

This year, the setting was Wanaka / Queenstown. Just the enormity of preparing for a 7 day race was challenging enough. Before race day we are told what each stage is and have to pack our race boxes - 5 boxes per team and bike boxes - with a 25kg weight limit. Everything we need for each stage of the race needs to be in the right box!
I was up at 3am to get a hot shower - there weren’t going to be any
luxuries for the next 6 days (I have still to decide whether the pie from BP in Queenstown as we
passed through on mountain bikes was a luxury or a necessity).
4am we piled onto the bus and started heading
off to our mystery location. At the Hawea Hall we received the maps for the
first section of the course. We had a couple of hours to mark up our maps
before heading to the race start. Leg 1 was the Haast Pass and up the Brewster
Glacier. The start of the race was crazy with a single track straight up and a 2000m climb to the glacier.
The high winds and freezing rain kept us moving and we made it down to
the transition in 7 and a half hours.
Then it was getting the rafts pumped up and onto the Makarora River. In the wet and the cold we were pleased to make it into transition in 3 hours. We were in pretty high spirits when we headed off in warm, dry clothes - knowing we had a tough 56km trek ahead of us.
Then it was getting the rafts pumped up and onto the Makarora River. In the wet and the cold we were pleased to make it into transition in 3 hours. We were in pretty high spirits when we headed off in warm, dry clothes - knowing we had a tough 56km trek ahead of us.

Our goal was to make it to the Albert Burn Hut for a couple of hours sleep. The comfort of warm, dry clothes was short lived, as we quickly had to tackle some full on river crossings. The climb was steep and tough in the wet and the dark, but navigated well by the guys. We’d been going for 25 hours when we got to the hut and I was struggling to keep my eyes open - thinking I could close them for a bit as I walked - but that never really works for me! I was taking painkillers for an injury that I’d done before the race and they caused me to be sick and pass out (not ideal on a remote mountain range!) This also meant a rough couple of hours for me and a worry for the team. This is when the benefits of racing with team mates who know each other well kicks in and with plenty of moral support from the guys we were able to keep the pace going. I had to find a way to manage my injury, but the reality was that everything starts hurting after a while and you just suck it up and get on with it. The trek in total took us 31 hours. The heights we climbed to and the scenery we trekked through were magnificent and despite the pain and fatigue it was hard not to be blown away by what was around us.

I was looking forward to getting on my Mountain Bike and we had a quick ride into Wanaka to race HQ to pick up and mark up our maps for the second half of the race. Trying to plan our maps after 50 plus hours of racing and very little sleep was demanding.

Queenstown. I thought the hills would never end and if I had to name a low point, this was it. I was struggling to eat, I was dehydrated. My ankles were a pussy mess from an infection caused by Spear grass. I even declared that “this is worse than child birth" (and I had big babies!). Every inch of my body hurt. And all I could think of was our Hobsonville Habits - Resilience - keeping going when you think you have nothing left.

Then it was back on the Mountain Bike for another 25 hours. After the last MTB leg and severe chaffing (like you wouldn’t believe), I was dreading this leg, but it was an incredible climb up into the 'Old Person Ranges'. I was struggling on the hills and once again the power of the team kicked in: Steve put me on the tow (life-line) and dragged me up the hills / mountains. All the climbing paid off and we rode the downhill into Cromwell like demons on a mission. Once again it was into the night and staying awake on a MTB is a challenge. After a few close calls, Steve, decided on an hours sleep in a hay barn before the last stretch to transition.

We did it: 127 hours / 6 days / a little
bit of sleep / surviving on energy bars and freeze dried food. It was a tough course with equally challenging
weather and conditions delivering highs, lows, hours of suffering, and being
stripped bare to our rawest form.
But I do it because I love it - love what
exactly? Because there is not much love to be found when your are pushing your body both physically and mentally to it’s limits. Or when your body is
hurting so much you want to lie down and not get up, or when your are being
towed or your gear is being carried
because you can’t keep up - why do I consider this my passion?
I love the challenge of the unknown and of problem solving under
I love the sense of achievement.
I love the humbling experiences of having weaknesses and strengths
exposed side by side.
I love being a role model to my kids.
I love being part of something extraordinary.
What it means: Passion for me is to have a career / a life where
teamwork, relationships, venturing into the unknown, discovering, achieving,
being challenged, solving problems, being part of extraordinary things are part
of who I am and what I do.
Being passionate isn’t just the action of doing something, but
finding out the Why we love to do it?

And, once you’ve explored your passions, your interests, what you love and the WHY – BE ADVENTUROUS.
I don’t mean to go off and do an Adventure race (unless that's your thing), but to take what you love doing and find ways to keep challenging yourself - don’t settle for the same.

Steve said to me starting out on this Adventure, "you won't know how to truly prepare for a race like this until you've done one" - I get it!
Also a recent quote by Adventure Racing legend, Nathan Fa avae, sums up racing with the right people: "I'm very careful about the people I race with, most of them have huge thresholds of suffering and discomfort, as well as incredible levels of perseverance and commitment."
Watch this space.